[ScoutLogo] 4th Newbury (St. Johns) Scout Group
4th Newbury Scout Troop
Autumn 2012 Programme
When?? Where?? What??
Monday 10th Sep, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomWelcome Back
First night of the new term
Sort out Patrols and a games evening
Remember it'll be inspection as it's 1st Monday of the month
Friday 14th Sep, 2012 - Sunday 16th Sep, 2012Walton FirsGroup Camp
Walton Firs, Cobham, Surrey
Monday 17th Sep, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomActivity Bases, session 1 of 4
Monday 24th Sep, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomTBC
Sunday 30th Sep, 2012
1pm - 2.30pm
ThirtoverKennet District Archery Competition
Monday 1st Oct, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomActivity Bases, session 2 of 4, those of you that HAVEN'T done the gadget making yet - bring a coat
Monday 8th Oct, 2012Last day for subs, either £22/term or £59.40/year. Cheques to '4th Newbury Scout Group' or direct bank payments to HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-44-52, Account Number 11409379. Code of Conduct forms returned by today please.
Monday 8th Oct, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomCryptic Code Breaking Evening
Monday 15th Oct, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomActivity Bases, session 3 of 4, those of you that HAVEN'T done the gadget making yet - bring a coat
Saturday 20th Oct, 2012 - Sunday 21st Oct, 2012ThirtoverProposed Jamboree on the Internet overnight Camp.
More details about JOTI
Monday 22nd Oct, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomInter-Patrol Quiz Competition
Monday 29th Oct, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Half-Term, no meeting
Monday 5th Nov, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Angels CornerWide Games night
Uniform not required
Dress for the weather
Bring a working torch
Sunday 11th Nov, 2012
NewburyNewbury Remebrance Day Parade
All Scouts expected to attend, full uniform required
Monday 12th Nov, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomActivity Bases, session 4 of 4, those of you that HAVEN'T done the gadget making yet - bring a coat
Monday 19th Nov, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomWoggles and Whistles evening
Bring pen-knives if you've got one
Saturday 24th Nov, 2012
NorthcroftKennet District Swimming Competition
Monday 26th Nov, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Snelsmore CommonWide Games night
Uniform not required
Dress for the weather
Bring a working torch
Saturday 1st Dec, 2012 - Sunday 2nd Dec, 2012ThirtoverProposed Winter Weekend Camp
Monday 3rd Dec, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomFestive Crafts evening
Monday 10th Dec, 2012
7:30pm - 9:15pm
Richard RoomPreparation for the Christmas event
Monday 17th Dec, 2012
6:30pm - 8:00pm
St Johns Church4th Newbury Scout Group Christmas Event with refreshments afterwards in the Parish Rooms. Parents welcome!

© 4th Newbury (St. Johns) Scout Group, 2024